Investment comparison calculator

Created by Nancy Aggarwal on Jul 12, 2020

In [1]:
from scipy.optimize import minimize

Pay regular premium, gain fixed interest

Frequency of Compounding interest = frequency of payments

Say one pays an amount $x$ regularly for $n$ time-intervals. Say one wants to get one's investement out after $N$ intervals ($N>=n$). Say the compound rate of interest (calculated at the same frequency) is $i$.

Now, the amount after $n$ intervals is:

$Y_n = x(1+i)\sum_{j=0}^{n-1}(1+i)^j$

Finally, the return after $N$ intervals is:

$Z_N = Y_n*(1+i)^{N-n}$

Frequency of compounding interest > frequency of payments

Say one pays an amount $x$ regularly for $n$ time-intervals. Say one wants to get one's investement out after $N$ intervals ($N>=n$). Say the compound rate of interest (calculated at the a frequency m) is $i$.

Now, the amount after $n$ intervals is:

$Y_n = x(1+i)^m\sum_{j=0}^{n-1}(1+i)^{mj}$

Finally, the return after $N$ intervals is:

$Z_N = Y_n*(1+i)^{m(N-n)}$


In [2]:
def calcTotalReturn(i,x,n,N,m):
    # n is years of premium in some time unit (say year or quarter)
    # N is years of maturity in the same time uint
    # i is interest in percent per that time unit
    # x is premium per that time unit
    # m is the number of times interest is compounded between two payments
#     print("interest = {}, premium = {}, years of premium = {}, years of maturity = {}".format(i,x,n,N))
    i = i/100
    seriesarray = [(1+i)**(j*m) for j in range(n)]
    Yn = x*((1+i)**m)*sum(seriesarray)
    ZN = Yn*(1+i)**(m*(N-n))
    return ZN


$8\%$ yearly interest, premium of every 6 months at the rate of 55/yr for 16 years, interest compounded every month. Policy matured after 25 years.

In [3]:
intervalfactor = 2 #(convert years to semesters)
compoundingfactor = 6 #months in a semester

IntervalsOfPremium = 16*intervalfactor
IntervalsOfMaturity = 25*intervalfactor
RateofInterest = 8/(intervalfactor*compoundingfactor) #percent
IntervalPremium = 55/intervalfactor
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Now back-calculate interest given final sum

In [5]:
FinalSum = 75*25 + 7.5e2 + 1e3
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In [7]:
def err(i,tup):
    Model = calcTotalReturn(i[0],tup[0],tup[1],tup[2],tup[3])
    Meas = tup[4]
    error = abs((Model-Meas)/Meas)
#     print(i,Model,Meas,error)
    return error
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