
A compilation of old projects and the documentation I have on them in no particular order :

  • Room temperature optomechanical squeezing : A system that has discplacement dominated by the effect of quantum vacuum fluctuations at room temperature also impacts the state of the light inside the cavity via the amplification in the cavity. This modified state has quantum correlations created by this radiation-pressure leading to  lower quantum noise in one aspect of the light, and increased quantum noise in a complementary aspect. In this work we also provide a new way of measuring and characterizing squeezed light without measuing shot-noise but instead directly exploring the quantum correlations that in fact give rise to squeezing. This research has now been published in Nature Physics, and is free to read here.
  • Room temperature quantum radiation pressure : Measurement of the displacement of a mechanical oscillator in a broad range of frequencies decades away from its fundamental resonance. The oscillator and the optical cavity have been designed such that the effect of classical noises, including Brownian thermal fluctuations on the displacement would be smaller than the effect of quantum radiation pressure in an ambient-temperature environment. This work has been now published in Nature.
  • Radiation-pressure locking of an optomechanical cavity : Radiation-pressure dynamics created by the interaction of cavity light and mechanical oscillator are not only interesting to study from a fundamental science perspective, but they also provide us with a new way to stabilize optical cavities. In this work, we show how we use the optical spring effect to lock a Fabry-Perot cavity. The spring creates a closed-loop system that is unstable on its own, so we use electronic feedback, using radiation-pressure as our actuator to stabilize this loop. This work is published in PRA.
  • Gravitational Wave Jewelry : 3D-printable earrings/pendants/make your own accessories. Inspired by the first gravitational wave detection by LIGO - the waveform of the gravitational waves emitted by two merging black holes.
  • Curlicue, Kinetic Origami Project and a mathematical relation describing it.
  • LabAmp Project - design of compact but modular electronics system for basic to complicated controls in laboratory ( credentials needed)
  • Optomechanical Sping Calculation
  • Optomechanical Squeezing Calculation(credentials required)
  • Nexus Commquest Line Follower blogpost and video
  • Projects for the class How to make Anything in Media Arts and Science Department, MIT
  • Pound Drever Hall Calculation
  • Comparison calculator between LIC and Fixed Deposit (code here, pdf here)